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Our teachers are direct students of Paramaguru R Sharath Jois and Śrī K Pattabhi Jois and have received extensive training and certification at the prestigious Sharath Yoga Centre and KPJAYI Institute in Mysore, India. Our teachers adhere to the traditional teachings and methodology passed down to us through the Jois family lineage. 

Andrew Headshot Hong Kong_edited.jpg
Julie Trepkau-bw_edited.jpg


Please note that there are no classes on Saturdays, New Moon & Full Moon days.

Please go to our Mind Body Site for the up to date schedule. 

Jois 2023 Schedule October update.heic

Live Mysore and Led classes

Sunday to Friday

(Beginners please email us)

Sri Bhakta Anjaneya Temple

9265, Activity Rd, Suite #110, San Diego, CA 92126

Anjaneya Ventikoppal.HEIC


$155 - Monthly Unlimited (live & online)

$150 - 10 Class Pass (2 month expiry)

$20 - Live Drop in

$10.00 - Online Drop In

Complimentary - Yoga Sutras and Bhagavad Gita chanting  (live and online - offered for free but donations for this class are welcome.)

Students with financial difficulties are encouraged to approach us to discuss an alternative rate.

Beginners please read here.

🟣 Yoga is relationship 🟣 瑜珈、關係也。 🟣 ヨガは関係🟣

🟣 Yoga is relationship 🟣 瑜珈、關係也。 🟣 ヨガは関係🟣

#ヨガギブズバック インタビュー KPJAYI認定 #アシュタンガヨガ講師 #アンドリューヒラム #ヨガは関係 #YogaisRelationship #瑜珈是互動的關係 "Yoga is Relationship." Wonderful interview with #AndrewHillam, Director of JOIS Yoga & YGB Ambassador. Andrew shared his passion for yogic studies and how the Pandemic has created more opportunities for practitioners to go deeper with these philosophy studies. By understanding the meaning of yoga as ‘relationship' we can bring a different perspective to all our relationships (with people, animals, nature etc) And with the right understanding, this change in consciousness improves our relationship at all levels - first within ourselves, then with other individuals, with society and with nature. "ヨガは関係"。 ジョイスヨガと、YGBアンバサダーのディレクターであるアンドリュー・ヒラムによる素晴らしいインタビューです。 アンドリューは、彼のヨガ研究への情熱と、パンデミックによって実践者がこれらの哲学をより深く理解する機会がどのように増えたかを共有しました。 「関係」としてのヨガの意味を理解することにより、私たちはすべての関係(人、動物、自然など)に異なる視点をもたらすことができます。 そして、正しい理解があれば、この意識の変化は、すべてのレベルで私たちの関係を改善します。最初は私たち自身の中で、次に他人、社会、そして自然との関係。 #チャンティング #アシュタンガヨガ #アシュタンガヨガ正式指導者 #アンドリューヒラム #yogatalks #chanting #openingprayer #ashtangayoga #yogaphilosophy #KPJAYIauthorised #KPJAYIcertified #KPJAYIteachers #八肢瑜伽 #阿斯湯伽瑜伽 #梵唱 #瑜伽哲學
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