Our teachers are direct students of Paramaguru R Sharath Jois and Śrī K Pattabhi Jois and have received extensive training and certification at the prestigious Sharath Yoga Centre and KPJAYI Institute in Mysore, India under their tutelage. Our teachers adhere to the traditional teachings and methodology passed down to us through Sharathji's family lineage.

Please note that there are no classes on Saturdays, New Moon & Full Moon days.
Please go to our Mind Body Site for the up to date schedule.
Live Mysore, Primary Led and Active Series classes
Sunday to Friday
Sri Bhakta Anjaneya Temple
9265, Activity Rd, Suite #110, San Diego, CA 92126

$175 - Monthly Unlimited (live & online)
$165 - Monthly Unlimited with 3 month Autopay
$175 - 10 Class Pass (2 month expiry)
$22 - Live Drop in
$10.00 - Online Drop In
Complimentary - Chanting for Sharathji
(Yoga Sutras, Bhagavad Gita and other chanting)
(live and online - offered for free, donations accepted)
Students with financial difficulties are encouraged to approach us to discuss an alternative rate.
Beginners please read here.